FP Advanced

Shot blasting Services

Shot blasting services

Shot blasting services

, also known as blast cleaning, removes metal surface issues to provide a suitable substrate for the application of surface coatings.

Installed in August 2021, our shot blasting facility enables the removal of metal surface issues, such as mill scale, MIG weld silicate islands, laser cutting oxides and corrosion. 

The blast cleaning process is also used specifically for surface preparation where no issues are involved. With two process units, we can use a range of blast media to achieve a specific finish or roughness level prior to coating. Component sizes of up to 3.5 metres in length can be processed. 

Shot blasting video

shot blasting services

What is shot blasting?

Shot blasting is a surface treatment technique that ensures that metal is in a good condition with no dirt, oxidization, or other factors. Shot blasting is an important first step when treating metal, ensuring the coating finish and adhesive quality of customer components are impeccable and ready for any further coating.

Shot blasting Coventry

Since 2021, FP Advanced Coatings have been completing Shot Blasting in a specialist facility in Coventry. With clients across the nation, a central location in the Midlands allows a ideal place for FP Advanced. If you are interested in shot blasting services in Coventry, get in touch today.

Shot blasting Coventry

Shot blasting is an industry-standard way of producing a metal that is in a good condition to be powder coated.  Powder coating acts as a decorative coating but also as a protective layer to metal surfaces. The two services often are provided together, with shot blasing being completed to prepare the metal for powder coating.

With services ranging from e-coatings, powder coats and shot blasting, contact us today to find out how we can help with your request.

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We have found that the quality of product, delivery performance, and communications are of a high standard. Thank you for your continued support.

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